Step-By-Step Method for Resurrecting Hope

Over the last few months, I’ve stumbled upon a step-by-step method for resurrecting hope when hope feels dead and gone. I call it my SAM Experiment. Hope you enjoy this video explanation and give it a try for yourself!

Please tell me how it goes for you in the comment area below.

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  1. Great Story Marnie,

    I really got excited when you started telling a little more about your personal experience with your property. Would love to hear more of the details as I feel this is an area of my life (one of many) that I had let go. After all until recently I was too busy trying to get the mortgage paid than to worry about actually taking care of the property and enhancing it.

    Love the idea of making a list, and would love for you to share your list (if it’s not too personal) and more of what you got busy and did yourself. It’s because of the examples that you gave the course that you did a couple of years ago on finding your purpose that I was able to write my own mission statement, which I still have memorized to this day!

    thanks Marnie,


  2. Hi Marnie…You have just confirmed what some others have been telling me. I have several areas of my life in total disarray if not just falling apart. I have been praying and thinking and talking to others and the one constant comment I keep getting is that I am looking to a human to satisfy my needs and that is not where the answers are. I know this is true but sometimes in the middle of turmoil it is hard to see clearly. Thank you for speaking so truthfully and sharing your experiences. I am making my lists this week and starting my own SAM experiment. I will let you know of the results. God Bless.


  3. Hi Marnie…. I watched your video today and i loved it! I have a couple of areas in my life that i am not happy about, but the main one is getting steady employment. I am down and depressed because of this and its driving my husband crazy! So, i am going to try the sam experiment because i have been trying to do it my way instead of the lord’s way and its not working out. I am going to write my list down and leave it in the heavenly father’s hand. Thank you for sharing this wonderful video with us. God Bless.

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